Friday, 14 November 2014

Family Pictures

Doing the Algera's pictures what I was nervous about, especially with my camera not working properly. It ended up being a beautiful day, and because of the time change, the sun wasn't directly over head which was perfect. It really only took me 20 min. I gave some suggestions on how to stand and what not to do, but we found a shady spot with the fall trees in the background and they ended up being fine. I got Danielle and Raychel to switch sides about half way through, and I actually ended up liking those last ones better. I also played around with my zooming and different settings, but like I said the sun was perfect so the lighting ended up being just fine.

I don't really have anything to compare them to, so I don't really know if they are decent or not... but the they liked them and even got it developed already so I must have done something right. I'm not going to post a bunch of them because, they in the end are all the same thing.

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