Tomorrow I'm doing another shoot with two of my friends, Raychel Algera and Miranda Vlaming. I aslo have the opportunity to take some family pictures for the Algera's. I'm so excited to do another shoot, and just play around with my camera and the outdoors.
I've been looking up some tips lately on what makes good photo's and just being inspired by other peoples photography so that tomorrow and in future times I can get a good idea of what I'm doing. Just trying to get more of a feel for all of this.
The shoot with the girls will be less stressful than the shoot of the Algera family. Tomorrow with the girls I can play around and just take pictures and have fun, but with the family pictures they have to be more formal, and rightly done. I'm contacting my older sister, who know a lot about photography, for some tips and guidelines about what makes good family pictures and what does not. I'm hoping that her tips will help me and guide me in this. I just have to remember that I have to take lots of pictures and then delete them in the end.
Again, I'm so excited to be doing another round tomorrow, especially cause the weather is supposed to be beautful so I hope everything turns out and that all goes well.
I'll post them as soon as I can! They will be up on my Flickr account once they are up.
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